If you were hoping for more unique Barbies with strong personalities, you might not exactly get what you’re looking for. Conversely, Kens are presented as absolute morons with zero positive values, and the dumb hunk stereotype gets old fast. The Barbies living in Barbie Land believe that feminism and equal rights are no longer problems in the real world, thanks to Barbie.
Based on reviews, the writing is lazy and illogical at times. When compared to other similar satire films like “Elf” and “Pleasantville,” Barbie is less than iconic. It might be a hit on social media, where the outfits and the poster are what matter more than the actual movie, but that doesn’t necessarily prove that this movie is revolutionary by any means.
Although the film is sold under the guise of feminism and empowerment, underneath these dreamy visuals are, according to many viewers, a film based on hate rather than affection. Lots of people tout it as a man-hating movie and call the Barbie doll itself “fascist.” In short, everyone who watches the movie will be made to feel guilty for having positive memories associated with the doll and to believe that they’re part of why the patriarchy is perpetuated today.
Although the flick is undeniably funny and ambitious, many right-wing reviewers say it only gets worse as the movie progresses, pushing all the joy out of the Barbie concept. While it’s not terrible for approaching feminism, it does so in an obvious and heavy-handed way that could have been more subtle, as many satires are.